I'd only be afraid to screw up if there were no such thing as grace, so welcome to my blog about adventure, screw-ups, good times, bad times, and striving to shine for Jesus through it all.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

It's Not Always Rainbows and Butterflies

Man have I been super inconsistent in blogging, or what? Sorry about that. Things get crazy busy...and then I start updating pictures on facebook and trying to remember to reply to emails, so sometimes I totally forget to blog at all.

Anyway, God is still doing a big work in me here. I got the flu...the day before we had planned to go to the beach. Don't worry; we still went to the beach. I loaded up on anti-hystamines, acetaminophen, and cough syrup, slept the whole way there, and got ready for some sun. And boy did I get some sun... Now I am sick AND a lobster! But I had a really good time. I saw the Pacific Ocean for the first time in my life. It's beautiful, and the sand was black with flecks of red from the volcanoes. God is so amazing. The diversity that He's created even among beaches blows my mind.

I spent all of today sick in bed...and quite miserable, I might add. See, two of my kids came to school sick this week. It's the rainy season here in Guatemala, so sickness is somewhat abundant. Parents don't have a whole lot to do with their kids except put them in school, so oftentimes, kids come to school sick. My immune system is not the strongest. Despite my daily vitamin efforts, mono seems to have my immune system at a bit of a low point. I don't have any symptoms of mono (praise God), but my favorite little virus is quite comfortable in my body. I'm assuming that this friend of mine is partially responsible for my being sick, seeing as Valerie and Sully are absolutely fine.

So what am I learning? Well, I'm learning that God keeps His promises. I know that's a nice little cliche saying that everybody likes to quote when things aren't really going his/her way. It gives us hope. Well, I was reading Noah's account in Genesis, and I was just reminded of this simple truth. The day after I read that, I saw a beautiful rainbow after a horrific storm that had all the electricity down for a while.

I saw the rainbow the day before yesterday...the day I started getting sick. God promised me that He would use me this summer and that I would see things I had never seen before. In that moment He was whispering to me, I am with you, mija; I am with you. He keeps His promises. I know that now, sunburned, sick and miserable, I am learning. I'm learning to trust Him with my heart, my body, my mind, and my plans. He is with me. Nothing takes God by surprise. Everything that is happening and everything that will happen is in His hands. What do I have to worry about? I know that life isn't a bed of roses...why I thought this trip would be perfect is beyond me. If you've been following me for any period of time, you know that these last three and a half weeks have been far from perfect. But why would God take me into a "perfect" place to do missions? I've painted, played, taught, struggled with Spanish, sang in front of people in Spanish, rehearsed with the church orchestra, transposed music (something I'm a little proud of), hung out with the girls, grocery shopped, tried new foods, gotten sick, gotten a different sick, laughed, and cried. I love it. I wouldn't trade one moment of it for anything. God is molding me into a woman after his own heart.

I miss my friends and family very much. Mom is getting married very soon (CONGRATS to her and Mark). :) I've watched God answer the prayer of many when Alabaster got a job today. Josh is ballin at MaggieMoos, and Russel's birthday was yesterday. Derek is still at the theater, and I'm missing his lady, too. Jessica is still in China returning from her week-long camping trip. Dad and Julie made it to Canada. Caitlin, Paige, Madison, DeAnna, David, D-Rey, and Brittany (and others, I'm sure...don't hate me guys) are getting ready to head out to South Africa. The Pampell family is preparing to move out to South Africa. Jenni is preparing to step up into the director's position at LATech XA. Bri is getting ready to move to Zambia. Lori's getting ready to go to Zambia and then move to Virginia. Tyler and Wesley are already in Zambia. Bryce is at camp. Beth and Jessica are chillin in my apartment without me. Liz is working in Bossier. Jorge's in South LA. Holy cow. It looks like a lot of us have busy summers! (And those aren't even all of my friends...) It's crazy to see God working in so many places at once...keeping His promises to all of His children. :)

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