I'd only be afraid to screw up if there were no such thing as grace, so welcome to my blog about adventure, screw-ups, good times, bad times, and striving to shine for Jesus through it all.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Adventure Is Out There!

So it's been a while since my last blog, and I'm happy to say I've pulled out of my funk. In my grumpy state I forgot to mention that last Thursday I sang at church. In Spanish. Valerie and Andrea were there, too, so that helped. I think we sounded pretty fabulous. ;) Then we went out for some authentic Mexican tacos, and it was quite an amazing experience.

Saturday, I made my first trip to Antigua with Sully, Andrea, and Valerie. We had a really good time, and it was even sunny for a while! I got souvenirs and took pictures with the awkward fountain, and we ate at the nicest McDonald's in the world! (I can feel you judging me for my choice of food while I'm in Guatemala, but I don't care. Sometimes cheap and familiar is the best route to take.) Then Andrea, Valerie, and I got hair wraps. :) That was super fun. It was a day full of adventure.

The Chavo also came on Saturday, and it was his birthday! So Valerie went to pick him up with Rudy and various other Guatemalans.

Then Sunday was a very different experience for me. We went to church, and after first service there is the usual "snack time." This is a hard time for me because many people say hello to me and ask me questions in Spanish. I usually understand the questions, but coming up with the answers is still hard. It's like I get put in the spotlight, and I just freeze. But they are generally very patient with me, and I'm less embarrassed to be around so many  people now. Then after snack time, we had a devotional about the end of the world. Thanks, Harold Camping.

Then I was off on an adventure with the Rojas...without Valerie. Crazy, right? I didn't know how to handle myself at first, but I knew I had at least 4 people in my corner who spoke English if I got stuck. We first went to a piñata for Ian, who turned one. :) That was with Rudy's side of the family. They were very nice to me, but I felt bad for Fernando. I felt how red my face got when his aunt asked if he was my "novio," and from what I heard, more than one other person gave him a hard time about it. Then we ducked out early (which was no easy task) to go have lunch with the Lopezes. I was very apprehensive about that, but I had a wonderful time. I learned how to play a new card game. I'm just going to call it 13 because I honestly have no idea what its real name is. If any of you are familiar with ERS, it's fairly similar...and yes! There is slapping involved. ;) I also played my first game of poker, and got a royal flush in my second hand. YAY ME! I would have won, too, I think, if we hadn't played "all or nothing" in our last hand.

Everyone was very accommodating to the language barrier, especially Andrea. I should thank her for that, but being around so many people from 9 am to 5 pm was very exhausting for me, so I went home with Sully and Rudy instead of staying to watch a movie with the other jovenes. ;)

And today is USA's birthday! -firework noises- It's my first Independence Day outside the states, and I think it's only my second Independence Day outside of Illinois. Anyway, I hope that it was celebrated enough in my absence...but I could go for a hot dog...and some of Jackie Pilon's raspberry pie. YUM!

But I am looking forward to a full and productive week of painting, cleaning, playing clarinet, dancing, teaching, and praising God for His wondrous works and patience.

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