I'd only be afraid to screw up if there were no such thing as grace, so welcome to my blog about adventure, screw-ups, good times, bad times, and striving to shine for Jesus through it all.

Friday, June 24, 2011

You'll Never Know, Dear, How Much I Love You

Have I ever told you that I hate ants? Because I do. All of them. If every ant in the world were to die, I might have a party. I despise them. Why is this on my mind? Thanks for asking. Today I was tackled by my munchkins...into an ant bed. Oh yeah. The kids didn't understand why I was flailing like a bat out of...well you know where...and I didn't know what the word for ant was...or bite...so I just continued to flail around and say, "UN MOMENTO, POR FAVOR!!" while the ants feasted on my flesh. I have at least 30 ant bites.

This was the last of the long list of mishaps of the morning. The car ride to Amatitlan was a fiasco. Valerie had a wardrobe malfunction that left me teaching alone and her conversing with Benny the super tall tree and occasionally correcting my Spanish. haha. Then, while we were playing in the school yard after snack time...something kind of terrible may have happened. There was a munchkin clinging to my neck...and I was having a hard time breathing. I finally got him to release, and he pulled my shirt down to reveal the anchor just below my neck on my back. I think only 3 boys saw it, but they began to yell, "TIENES UN TATU" very loudly about a hundred million times in a row.

Let me explain why this is bad. In Guatemala, only gang members have tattoos. A Christian organization supports this school. These kids come from really shady neighborhoods. They're 4 and 5 years old. They don't know anything outside of what they've experienced first hand. Yep. I was busted by kindergarden boys. I finally got them to hush and said, "No solo con lapizero..." (no just with a pen) hoping they'd believe me and drop it. The good news is...it's Friday, and they have the weekend to forget it. Actually, they have an entire week to forget it. They have a 'mid-semester break' next week. Classes won't resume until Monday, July 4.

Anyway, a few other mishaps occurred on the playground today, too. Christian fell on his head. Luis got a busted lip. Gaby was being a tattle tale. There were many feelings hurt when Brayan killed a lightning bug. The girls were being very catty...and then the terrible anthill incident. Yeesh. What a Friday.

But then, just as a reminder that I'm where I need to be, I got a happy surprise while the kids were lined up outside waiting for their parents. Jostin and Christofer are twins, and their older brother poked his head in the gate. They ran to him and said "bye teachers!" (in English...man they're cute). I was watching the other munchkins when those two sweet boys came back in, each with a boquet of roses in his hand. Jostin ran to me and gave me the biggest hug, and Christofer did the same to Valerie. I hugged them both and said, "muchas gracias, niƱos." They skipped off and waved, and I was so touched. I beamed the rest of the time...and for most of the car ride back to the group home.

Jesus has been so good to me in that way. There is always a ray of sunshine in my day, even if it's a small one. As my Creator, He knows my primary love languages (which are physical touch and words of affirmation), and He is really good about using these children to love me in those ways. I know they don't realize how much little things matter to me. Their little hugs and the pictures they color and just their attention really help me understand why chidren are the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven. They trust me the way I should trust Christ...with everything. They chase me and beg for my attention the way I should pursue and talk to God. I hope they're learning as much from me as I am from them.

Thanks, Jesus. I don't know why, but I didn't half expect this trip to be for me...Thanks for your patience. I am learning so much!


  1. Here are a few ant bite remedies: Rub tea tree oil, vinegar or a slice of onion on the area to relieve pain and itching. So will lemon juice or a slice of onion. Or soak a paper towel in Worcestershire sauce and apply.

    You can also mix salt, baking soda, meat tenderizer or crushed aspirin (or crushed benadryl) with water to make a thick paste. Apply to ant bites.

    Ammonia applied to the area is also effective Alternate with hydrogen peroxide.

    Also can use solution of half bleach, half water. (Don't use amonia with bleach)

    You can sit in a tub of water in which you disssolve3 cups of borax.

    Aloe vera...best straight from the plant. Even a wet tea bag applied to bites will help.

  2. Umm, I only corrected your spanish once.
