I'd only be afraid to screw up if there were no such thing as grace, so welcome to my blog about adventure, screw-ups, good times, bad times, and striving to shine for Jesus through it all.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Flying Chickens, Boxed Milk, and Big Blue Eyes

So I’m literally flying over the Gulf of Mexico, trying to think of something profound to say, but I got nothing. The view is beautiful. The plane…hot. I have literally never been on a hot plane before today. I usually freeze, and here I am sweltering.

But I guess that’s not really the point, is it? It’s my first time out of the country, and I’m diving in head first. Seven weeks in Guatemala. I’m being trusted with the care of children, which is a bit scary, but between Valerie and me, I think they’ll be fine. I hope. ;)

I’m so glad that I serve such a big God. He’s with me on the plane, with the Rojas in Guatemala, with Tyler and Wesley in Zambia, with Mom in Louisiana, with Tony in South Africa, with Uncle Don in France and with Jessica in China. Woooow. If I served anything less than an all-powerful God, I’m not sure anyone would have been able to talk me into this. I mean, I’m flying over a giant body of water into a country whose primary language I do not speak where there are snakes and diseases I as an American have been fortunate enough never to run into.  Without a God that holds my future, that is terrifying. With Him, however, I have never been more excited. Still nervous? Yes, but mostly excited.

The pilot just informed us that the weather in Guatemala is about 78 degrees. I’m going to Heaven. :)

So here I am in Guatemala City. The Rojas were wonderful to me. Sully even took Valerie and me to Pollo Campero (it’s like KFC only better). I learned three things there:
1. How to point at what I want to eat.
2. I don’t like the Pepsi here.
3. Chickens fly in Guatemala. (This is a joke; a piece of Valerie’s chicken did have a mind to fling itself off the plate and into her hair though.)
Valerie has been pretty good to me thus far aside from the jokes about how clumsy I am (sad, but true). Although, I did not endure the first injury of the trip (yaaaaaaaaaay!). Valerie hit her knee on a chair in the airport before our first flight. I proceeded to giggle at her expense, and she said, “Well at least I can wear open-toed shoes!” referring to the fact that my father (wise man) decided that me getting Chocos was not the safest option for this adventure.

I also have already gone to Paiz, a local grocery store. We got some necessary items like shampoo, bread, milk (which comes in a box here), pasta, jelly, crackers, cookies, and honey. You know…familiar stuff. That was…well terrifying. I can read Spanish fine. I would have been ok navigating on my own, but once we got to check out the little cashier asked me something. I had no idea what he said, so I kinda just pretended like it didn’t happen. Then Valerie steps in and says something I can’t even bring to my memory. I’d ask her, but she’s already fallen asleep. I’m for sure not far behind. Anyway, then I was left alone with the cart for about 90 seconds, and when Valerie returned she commented on my look of panic. I tried to erase it to no avail. I know I’ll grow accustomed to the fast Spanish soon enough, pero por hora “más despacio por favor” will have to work.

I don’t have much to report today, but God is very, very good. I’m so glad for safe travels and a pretty easy time through customs. It’s a lot to take in right now, so I’m pretty exhausted. Tomorrow is a new day full of adventure, and I absolutely cannot wait to see what God has in store for me.

Oh, did I mention there’s a giant volcano next to the place we’re staying? There definitely is. It’s legit. Pictures to follow. LOVE. :) hasta pronto.

1 comment:

  1. You're going to do great. It does take some time to adjust, but it will be good. Enjoy it while it is still shiny and new.

    Sorry I left you by yourself for 1 1/2 minutes in the grocery store. I forget that its scary. Gabriel used to do it all the time.

    Oh, and in grocery stores, I'll talk. ;) They ask weird questions.
