I'd only be afraid to screw up if there were no such thing as grace, so welcome to my blog about adventure, screw-ups, good times, bad times, and striving to shine for Jesus through it all.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Happy Mediums

I have been meaning to write this out for a while. I hope it comes out in a way that other people can understand. I am in a conventional tither. I can't tell you how many times in the past 4 months I have said, "There's gotta be a happy medium somewhere..." I say this about everything.  Happy mediums really seem to be the key to stability.  It isn't easy is hard stinks is somewhat unpleasant ...sucks to be such an extreme person sometimes. I crave stability.

Let's visit a few of the areas where I need to find some middle ground:
1. Sharing feelings: it's either silently avoid the elephant in the room at all costs or identify the elephant...and describe its genitals in detail. (Can I say that?)
---The ideal middle ground would be to know the appropriate boundaries to set per person.  I don't have to divulge everything to any one person.  I can talk about what needs to be talked about, like the feelings I have that affect the relationship with each individual friend/family member/boyfriend.

2. Eating: it's either one meal a day (like a breakfast bar and maybe a tortilla with peanut butter later) or 3 meals a day with large, high-calorie snacks in between.
---The ideal middle ground would be to eat about 5 small meals a day, staying under 1400 net calories.  I know the food pyramid pretty well; I just need to eat fruits, veggies, grains, proteins, some carbs, etc. (Yes I said carbs...you can't burn fat without them.)

3. School: it's either all school all the time or all Pinterest/blogspot/facebook/twitter all the time.
---The ideal middle ground would be to spend some time every day keeping up with and getting ahead on my homework so that I have a little time to surf the web and be social.

4. Friendships: I either spend a lot of time with a few friends (usually one at a time) or some weekend time spent with many people at once.
---The ideal middle ground would be to spend some weekend time with a bunch of people at once because fellowship is fun & Biblical.  Then I should take some time during the week to eat with my friends one or two at a time.  We don't have to eat; we can do anything to spend time with each other.  Friendships just need to be nurtured.  One-on-one time is necessary.  I just need to keep good track of my friends and not neglect anyone.

5. Having Feelings: I seem to be either completely apathetic, or I get my feelings hurt by anything.
---The ideal middle ground is that I would gain some perspective from other people...See things in a different light.  I would learn how to receive grace & be graceful.  Some things would just roll off my back.

6.  Having interests:  Again I seem to either be completely apathetic, or I get really obsessed. (e.g. Pinterest)
---The ideal middle ground is for me to manage my time well and to not think about Shuckie Pinterest books exercise movies How I Met Your Mother sports anything more than I think about my Savior. That's called idolatry.

7. Being a girlfriend: I feel like I either come across as cold & uncaring or so obsessively clingy that I don't even want to be around myself.
---The ideal middle ground would be for me to pursue Him and not him...I shouldn't be pursuing him anyway, no matter how wonderful he is.

I'm stopping at seven because it's the number of completion, and I don't really want all of the Internet to know how incredibly insane I am.*  I need to leave a little mystery.  Now, it seems that I have found the middle ground solutions for my extreme problems; why can't I implement them?  I could literally list an excuse for every single one of them.  I am tempted to do so just to prove it...and to defend myself.  The point is to stop justifying.

What practical steps can I take to walk the middle ground in these areas?  I want to be healthy.  I want my relationships to be healthy.  What is it going to take?  Maybe I should just look up Scripture  per problem and study & pray about it until Jesus shows me these practical steps.  That sounds like a good step one.

Do you have any advice for me?  Is there a middle ground I can help you reach.  Oh, yeah...and Merry Christmas. :)

*Yes, I do realize I'm not that important.  I'm crazy, but I'm not that kind of crazy. 

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