I'd only be afraid to screw up if there were no such thing as grace, so welcome to my blog about adventure, screw-ups, good times, bad times, and striving to shine for Jesus through it all.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Conflicting Convictions

Alcohol. What a touchy subject for a Christian in college...Especially those who are around or slightly under the age of 21. What's legal/illegal? "Underage consumption of alcohol is allowed on private, non alcohol-selling premises without [parental] consent in seven states: California, Louisiana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, Oklahoma, and Wyoming."

Is legality really the issue? Ephesians 5:18 says, "Do not get drunk on wine which leads to dubachery, but instead be filled with the Spirit." Got it. Don't get drunk. Right?

I believe that there are shades of grey called conviction. Some people have a very high conviction for the consumption of alcohol, and some have very low conviction. So how do we prevent conflict? Those with low conviction should not consume around or near those with high conviction, right? Well doesn't that seem sneaky? It makes it look like there is something to hide; people start judging. People start talking. Feelings get hurt.

I have more questions than I can answer. What a controversial first post. Can I just say that this is hard? We (Christian college students) want the question answered for us...but we want a specific answer. We want it to be answered so that we are right...whether we have a high conviction or a low conviction for consumption. How do we fix this?

Appearances matter. I have influence. If it were to get out that one time I had a glass of wine or a rum and coke or a pina colada, what would that mean for me? What would it mean for me as a leader in a campus ministry? What would it mean for me as a student? A friend? An accoutability partner? People judge, but there is only One who is righteous.

Life is tricky, and growing up is hard. I don't have all the answers, but it's good to know the One who does.


  1. The bible also says that you should follow the law of your government, as well as the law of God's. And if one comes in disagreement with the other, follow God's law. If our state law says that we should not be drinking unless we are 21, regardless of what the law says anywhere else, we should not in this state.

    In this situation, legality really is the issue. If God gives no drinking age, and the law of our government does, we follow the government. Now, if God said "don't ever drink ever" or "drink as much as you want once you reach the age of accountability (7 for Baptists)", then we have another issue.

    And for the record, I knew you would mention pina coladas here from the second I saw the title of your post. ;)

  2. I love yu Ms. Katie. Keep up the blogging(: ill be reading.
    -Shelby W(:

  3. I like seeing your thoughts on things!

  4. Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.
